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Power over Ethernet

The Compute Blade features support for PoE (802.3af), PoE+(802.3at), and PoE++(802.3bt).

Power Consumption

Power consumption will vary based on load, accessories connected, and the power requirements of any devices installed in the M.2 slot. During testing, a Compute Blade with a CM4 overclocked to 2GHz and a consumer NVMe SSD under load consumes ~7W. Normal operation may range from 3W to 17W depending on workload.

PoE+ Indicator

On the Compute Blade, GPIO23 is used to indicate the presence of PoE+ or PoE++. This could be used modify the behavior of the blade depending to the supplied power. There is an LED on the Blade with a + label indicating power state.


GPIO23 must be pulled up using the internal pull up.

Compute Blade with PoE+ light identified
LED ColorDescriptionGPIO 23Power
Green5 Volt present (PoE or USB)HIGHup to 15W
OrangePoE+ or PoE++ presentLOWup to 30W

Accessing the PoE+ Status in Software

These are example of how to get the GPIO23 state to determine the if PoE+ is present.

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

# Define the GPIO pin number for the PoE indicator

# Set the GPIO mode to the BCM pin numbers

# Set GPIO to an input and pull up the line

# Read the state of the GPIO pin
button_state = GPIO.input(POE_INDICATOR_GPIO)

# Check if the pin is active (assuming active-high logic)
if button_state == True:
print("Powersource: PoE+ or PoE++")
print("Powersource: PoE or USB Type-C")

PoE Modules

Different Compute Blade revisions use different PoE modules. See the table below:

VersionPoE ModuleVoltsPower Output (Peak)PoE ComplianceClassification
v1.0Silvertel Ag54055V25.5W (30W)IEEE 802.3af, 802.3at, 802.3btType 2, Class 4